Martha Stewart Criticizes Netflix’s New Documentary Martha: ‘I Hate Those Last Scenes’
Martha Stewart isn’t holding back when it comes to her thoughts on Martha, Netflix’s new documentary directed by R.J. Cutler. Stewart had a clear vision for the film, even requesting a Dr. Dre soundtrack, mentions of her grandchildren, and anecdotes that didn’t make the final cut. Now, she’s sharing her disappointment with how the documentary turned out.
In an interview with the New York Times on the day of the premiere, Stewart took issue with scenes that, in her words, portray her as “a lonely old lady walking hunched over in the garden.” She recalled telling Cutler to cut those scenes: “Boy, I told him to get rid of those… I hate those last scenes. Hate them.” While she admits to enjoying the first half of the documentary, Stewart is vocal about her dissatisfaction with much of the second half and its focus on challenging moments in her life.
One of Stewart’s primary complaints is the emphasis on the years between 2001 and 2005, which included insider trading investigations, her trial, and a five-month prison sentence. To her, it felt disproportionate. “The trial and the actual incarceration were less than two years out of an 83-year life,” she said. “I considered it a vacation, to tell you the truth… Even the judge fell asleep.” Stewart noted that Cutler missed that detail despite her meticulous diaries, which she had shared with him.
Though the documentary does include parts of Stewart’s detailed diary, particularly around her 1990 divorce from ex-husband Andy, she was dismayed by Cutler’s choices regarding archival material. Stewart gave him full access to her extensive personal archives, including photos and letters, yet felt that “very little” of it was used, a realization she called “shocking.”

Among the omissions Stewart found most upsetting were her grandchildren. “There’s not even a mention. And these grandchildren are utterly fantastic.” She was also disappointed that none of her beloved travel adventures, such as her trek up Kilimanjaro, were included. Stewart even lamented that an amusing story about her encounters with lawyer Alan Dershowitz in the 1960s, “dribbling on the table” while flirting with her, didn’t make the cut.
Another major letdown was the soundtrack. Stewart had envisioned rap music from Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, or Fredwreck to give the film a modern, vibrant feel, but was surprised by the classical score that made it into the final cut. “That music has nothing to do with me,” she remarked.
Martha Stewart Criticizes Netflix’s New Documentary Martha: ‘I Hate Those Last Scenes’
However, Stewart did find value in parts of the film. Young women have told her it inspired them and gave them “a strength they didn’t know they had.” This, Stewart explained, is what she wanted for the documentary: a story that shows resilience and authenticity, without self-praise. “It should be about showing that you can get through life and still be yourself,” she said.
Throughout filming, Stewart made several attempts to guide Cutler’s approach, often surprised by his line of questioning. At one point, during a discussion about her husband’s infidelity, she even asked him to “get onto a happier subject.”
Martha is now streaming on Netflix.
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