‘Star Wars’ Ruins Vital Moment With Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker

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‘Star Wars’ Ruins Vital Moment With Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker

Fans are thrilled to see Hayden Christensen reprise his role as Anakin Skywalker in Ahsoka, yet there’s a Star Wars scene with the celebrated actor that might raise eyebrows among die-hard fans.

Rosario Dawson’s portrayal of Ahsoka underscores the pivotal relationship between Ahsoka Tano and the Clone Wars. While followers are well aware that Ahsoka was Anakin’s protégé, the Disney+ series went above and beyond to showcase Christensen alongside “Snips.” He returned not just as Darth Vader and Anakin, but donned the Clone Wars armor for several episodes.

The series does justice to Star Wars Rebels, advancing the tales of characters like Sabine, Ezra, and Thrawn. Its eight episodes weave seamlessly into the broader Star Wars narrative, making it a compelling watch. However, even a maestro like Filoni can miss a beat occasionally.

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Star Wars Merry Sithmas Ugly Christmas Sweater Best click of yours‘Star Wars’ Ruins Vital Moment With Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker

A particular scene involving Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker seems slightly amiss. While practicing her lightsaber techniques, Ahsoka accesses a hologram left for her by Anakin. It’s a touching moment where Anakin guides his former apprentice, referring to adversaries beyond just battle droids like General Grievous and Count Dooku. Yet, Anakin appears in this “final” hologram wearing Clone Wars armor.

Fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars would recall that the Jedi discarded such armor relatively early in the series, reverting to their traditional tunics. It’s puzzling, then, that this last message from Anakin, supposedly years before Ahsoka’s departure from the Jedi order, depicts him in the armor. It detracts from the continuity, suggesting Anakin ceased guidance early in their mentorship.

While viewers relish seeing Christensen in the armor – a visual delight in live-action – it doesn’t fit the narrative timeline. One hopes this oversight is rectified in future content, but for now, it’s a hiccup that Star Wars enthusiasts might need to overlook.

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